Monday, January 31, 2011

Long time coming

Whenever I started this blog, I knew it would be a challenge for me.  And I have failed.  As all of you know I have not posted anything since September !! 

However, the year ended on a great note.  I completed my first semester of law school & passed everything.  It honestly was the most challenging semester of classes I have ever experienced.  Everything about law school is different than undergrad and grad school.  The teaching, the learning style and the exams.  But I did it...and Im one more semester closer to be done with school FOREVER !!!

Upon completing exams I went home for a few days. While there we got lots of snow.   I got to spend a few days with my family.

I then left and went to Raleigh to spend some time with Lee.  We traveled to New Bern, NC to celebrate Christmas with his moms family.  We had a wonderful time with family.  And I am excited to annouce I got my first real DIAMOND from a boy.  Lee had this idea for a necklace in his head but could not find a necklace that he liked that had a good size diamond in it.  He went to a family owned jewerly store in Garner and had it specially made.  I absolutely love it !!!

After a few days with Lee I returned back to my parents where I spent Christmas.  I had a wonderful time with my family and friends. 

Lee's birthday was the 28th of December.  So I went back to Raleigh to celebrate his birthday.  We went out to dinner that evening and watched NCSU win their bowl game.  It was a perfect birthday gift !!

For New Years, Lee and I went to dinner with his parents.  It was a very  nice treat and we enjoyed ringing in the New Year with them.  Lee had surprised me that day with champange, purchasing my favorite of course ;)  I hated that we were unable to go visit some of my friends that were in town for the New Years.  I truly miss getting to talk and see them whenever I want.  However, I would not change the night for anything. 

I threw Lee a surprise birthday party on the weekend after New Years.  We had a really good turn out.  We went to a nice restaurant downtown and got together with old friends.  It truly was a great night.  It started off with valet parking and even ended with dessert. 

They all say good things must end. I had a wonderful month traveling from TN to the coast of NC. However, it was time for me to return to Knoxville. I dreaded leaving, as I always do. But I just have to remind myself that every day I spend here is one less day I have to spend here. Classes were scheduled to start back on the 10th of January. However, we got about 4-6 inches of snow. It was wonderful !! Even though I was prepared for classes for the week, I did not want to go back at that point.

Now I am in week 4 of 14 !!  Everyday is a countdown for me....In March I have an interview for an internship in Raleigh.  I really am banking of getting it.  I cant tell you how badly I want to get back to Raleigh for multiple reasons. 

On a more personal level.....this weekend I spent with Lee in Charlotte.  We had such a wonderful time together.  I cherish every time I get to see him for they arent as often as I would like.  It has been a personal challenge for me dealing with the distance.  But I truly believe this distance is making our relationship stronger. 

This weekend I might make a short trip to my parents house to visit.  I know I am doing alot of traveling but I enjoy the company.  And I will be making a lot of trips to Raleigh within the next two months; so my time to visit home will be limited. 

So much has happened since I last wrote 4 months ago - its just so hard to go back and pull out the important parts.  However, I will try and write more often so I do not have that problem.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and this new year is treating you well !!!

Miss you all !!! 
