Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tissue Pom Pom...gone bad!

So I saw this site on etsy that has tissue pom poms for sale.  I originally liked the idea of having tissue pom poms and paper lanterns hanging.  I thought it made a pretty sceen.  It could easily turn an ugly ceiling into a pretty sight.

So i figured they cant be that hard to make.  And well they arent...but mine didnt turn out very pretty.  I think I didnt use enough tissue paper in the first one....or the tissue paper I used was to long/wide something.

After doing some research you are only suppose to use certain size tissue paper.  For the bigger poms you are suppose to use 20x30 and I used 20x26.  I have a feeling that might be the reason mine didnt look so hot.

However they did look good from the bottom just not from the side or top.

Nevertheless....(depending on what site I choose for our reception) I might be ordering these from etsy :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Major life changes !!!

May:  I finished my first year of law school!  That goodness that is over! 
June:  My brother graduated from high school..

Lee & I went to Playa del Carmen for a week.  We had a blast.  We met two amazing couples from Texas.  The trip was an absolute blast! 

July 2: I GOT ENGAGED !!!  Lee & I went to Adams Winery in the morning.  Then we went to the flea market at the state fair grounds.  But before we parked, Lee pulled into Carter Finley.  It was there that he popped the question.   As most of you know, Cater Finley means alot to both of us!  It truly was a day that neither one of us will forget & we can visit every fall !!

Later in the month a good friend we had a baby shower for another friend.  The shower was so much fun!

Then came August....which brings me to where we are now.  I left NC the beginning of the month to begin another year of law school.  I'm in my 3rd week of classes and already counting down.  I dont know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This week has been flying I calculated how many days I have left of school.  24 !!!  Well that is until my exams start.  My last exam is on Saturday, May 14th!  I am so ready to be done!!!!

Lee comes this weekend for the Barrister's ball!  I am super excited for him to come visit and he will finally get to meet everyone that I've been talking about this past year.

Today actually marks 22 months for us...its so close we have been together for almost 2 years.  We have had our ups and downs but moving away has been the best thing for us.  We just didnt realize how much we loved each other until I moved.  We truly have feel in love....and he keeps having these serious talks with me.  He is thinking about "us" and just not him.  Its so crazy to see the transition but I see him realizing and trying to figure out how to provide for me.  It is really cute.

Now, I know a few of you are wondering what type of ring I have fell in love with.  I like a band with lots of detail and design.  I like a princess cut with a halo.  Here a few pictures of some rings that we saw that I liked.  Honestly, they all were BEAUTIFUL!!!  And I would be happy for anyone....or anything for that matter.  Lee knows my taste in rings :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Well spring break came & went....but I enjoyed it.  It was much needed break.

I left Knoxville on Friday morning after class and arrived in Garner just in time for dinner.  I had a wonderful dinner with Lee and his parents at McCall's.  Nothing beats a nice home style mean after all day in the car.  Saturday morning Lee took me to look at engagement rings.  He wanted to know what style of ring I liked so he could start saving for it.  I know it will be awhile before we actually get engaged much less hitched, its still super exciting to think about.  We went to Diamonds Direct at Crabtree and we met this really nice lady.  It was alot of fun and very exciting! There were so MANY different types of rings, it was very overwhelming.  I tried on some many, they all started to run together.  But we left there educated about diamonds!  

The rest of the weekend & week was very nice - minus a minor set back on Tuesday night.  I decided to dye my hair...and if you havent seen me lately I was really blonde.  Well that was mistake, I ended up calling around trying to find someone who could correct the color of my hair.  I finally found a lady last minute who agreed to fix it.  So now i'm back dirty brown.  

I was also able to babysit a little and then I worked one shift at the hotel.  And I also did a little school work.  And then just hung out with the boy.  The next weekend we went to dinner at Kick Back Jacks and had a few beers.  Then Saturday we went to two other jewelry stores to look at other rings.  Which was good for Lee to see the other options he had available to him.  And we also learned alot more that we didnt know before.  It was good for me because it gave me a better idea of what i liked and didnt like.  We saw some beautiful diamonds and it was crazy to actually hold one!  

Sunday was a sad day, for I had to return to Knoxville.  Of course I cried, I always do.  But once I got back I got caught up in unpacking, cleaning and school work that I was fine.  Monday and Tuesday of this week went by so SLOW but the rest of the week has went by really fast.  I have been super busy with some last minute end of the year projects and doing reading.  I probably should have done more over break - but my brain needed the break :)  

The other night I was talking to Lee and we were discussing our summer trip and he was trying to figure out his finances....I could tell he was stressing and crunching numbers, he would never give me details or tell me why.  But I have a feeling I know why....not to mention him mom emailed me and told me that her and his dad met him at the jewelry store to look at the rings :) So girls, Im pretty sure it is happening!  I do know that most places require a 20% down payment and then you can just make payments until you want to pick it up.  Im pretty sure that is what he would do....I have no clue when it is going to happen.  If I could guess I would suspect next year, just because I still have two more years of school in Knoxville and he has a stable job in Raleigh.  But gosh....part of me wishes I never knew he was considering it because IT IS ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT!!!

This weekend I will be hanging out in Knoxville by myself.  Which is totally fine with me...I have alot of school work to do and I need to start thinking about how I am going to move in the next few weeks.  And I also have a few errands to run.  Lee is coming next weekend for our annual barristers ball, I will be sure to take pictures for once :)

I miss you all so much.....if only we all could just move back to Raleigh once and for all!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

3 days = Spring Break !!

Time certainly is flying !!  Which you will not fine me complaining !!  This week has been super busy for some odd reason.  I am so ready for Friday and a whole week off !!!  I will be leaving for Raleigh and I can NOT wait !!  I do not have any major plans, other than an interview on Tuesday for a summer internship.  Keep your fingers crossed!  Im just ready to be lazy, sleep in and of course I have to do some work.  Which stinks...but hey I am in law school.  Haha

I'll be sure to keep everyone posted and maybe I'll take some pictures over the next week or two and post them as well. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Is it 2013 yet???

I made the decision to come to TN and now I must live with it.  I could always pack up and give up but I've already put in 7 months.  I will be done with classes in 11 weeks and have 3 months off.  But that still leaves with me with 2 more years here in TN.  I've already invested several thousand in this one year so I feel I have to see it through the finish.

But I'm lonely and as more and more things happen - i get more and more depressed.  I feel its just little old me against this big bad world.  It honestly is just me and Knoxville.  I do not feel at home here, I do not have close friends or family members here.  My life as I know it has changed a complete 380.  I'm a hermit !!  And for those of you who know me, that isn't me !!

As more and more events unfold I call my parents to talk.  For I have so much to learn about life and how the world operates.  But my mother is not available.  She is caught up within my brother.  My boyfriend does his best but he cannot always be there for me 24/7.

I know this is like a race and I have to finish strong....I know that 2013 will be here before I know it and I will be graduating.....I know these things...but yet they are so hard to grasp. 

For now, I must keep on walking......I'm going to go take my torts mid-term, go home, study for contracts, go to bed, and get up early in the morning for my contracts mid-term.  I'm going to get on.....for that's all there is to do.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Things have finally got squared away with the trip!  We have changed our dates to later in June at my expense. 

Last week we had reading days on Thursday and Friday so i took a road trip to Raleigh.  I just actually got back into Knoxville.  It was so good to get back.  Thursday I made dinner for Lee and made a homemade red velvet cheesecake - it was amazing !!  Friday we grilled out with some friends, Trey and Alex.  Saturday we went shopping and grilled out with his parents.  It was nice to see friends and just be with him.  But at the same time I had work to do and did alot of studying. 

This week is mid-term week.  I do not have classes but rather four mid-terms.  I do not feel completely comfortable with all the material for it is so much to take in.  However, I realize that the sooner I get them over with the closer I am to summer. 

Friday, February 11, 2011


So Lee and I are going to Mexico this summer on vacation.  He's spent tons of hours looking into resorts and such.  Well he finally booked one yesterday at 4:15pm for June4th-11th.  This morning I told my mom about the trip, this afternoon she informed me my brothers graduation is June 11th !!  Possibly the 4th, we are hearing conflicting things. 

However, everything was booked - he put a $300 deposit down everything.  Now we need to get everything changed in order for me to attend my brothers graduation.  I called to check on what  needed to be done this afternoon at 3:30pm less than 24 hours later and there was nothing they could do !!!!!!!  In order to switch our flights or reschedule our week we have to pay a $300 fee to change the flights or loose our $300 fee and start over with the planning.  In which case the price will probably increase.

In other words im SOL.  I told Lee I would pay the $300 out of my own pocket because it is my own fault.  Im so conflicted my heart is broken in two.  I know its not the end of the world but im disappointed in myself.  Lee is pissed.  Im stressing.  I just dont know what to do....and the bad thing is it honestly to God slipped my mind that my brother had a gradution or was going to graduate.   And to be honest he has missed some much school because of snow that  they could possibly push his graduation back. 

So if we rebook or cancel the trips I have to come up with $300 and then some for the trip.  I know in the long run this will be nothing and i'll laugh but now in the moment its AWFUL.  I feel obligated to go to my brothers graduation and I know if I dont that I will be letting my family down and they will always resent me for it.  I just wish I had answers.....

Monday, January 31, 2011

Long time coming

Whenever I started this blog, I knew it would be a challenge for me.  And I have failed.  As all of you know I have not posted anything since September !! 

However, the year ended on a great note.  I completed my first semester of law school & passed everything.  It honestly was the most challenging semester of classes I have ever experienced.  Everything about law school is different than undergrad and grad school.  The teaching, the learning style and the exams.  But I did it...and Im one more semester closer to be done with school FOREVER !!!

Upon completing exams I went home for a few days. While there we got lots of snow.   I got to spend a few days with my family.

I then left and went to Raleigh to spend some time with Lee.  We traveled to New Bern, NC to celebrate Christmas with his moms family.  We had a wonderful time with family.  And I am excited to annouce I got my first real DIAMOND from a boy.  Lee had this idea for a necklace in his head but could not find a necklace that he liked that had a good size diamond in it.  He went to a family owned jewerly store in Garner and had it specially made.  I absolutely love it !!!

After a few days with Lee I returned back to my parents where I spent Christmas.  I had a wonderful time with my family and friends. 

Lee's birthday was the 28th of December.  So I went back to Raleigh to celebrate his birthday.  We went out to dinner that evening and watched NCSU win their bowl game.  It was a perfect birthday gift !!

For New Years, Lee and I went to dinner with his parents.  It was a very  nice treat and we enjoyed ringing in the New Year with them.  Lee had surprised me that day with champange, purchasing my favorite of course ;)  I hated that we were unable to go visit some of my friends that were in town for the New Years.  I truly miss getting to talk and see them whenever I want.  However, I would not change the night for anything. 

I threw Lee a surprise birthday party on the weekend after New Years.  We had a really good turn out.  We went to a nice restaurant downtown and got together with old friends.  It truly was a great night.  It started off with valet parking and even ended with dessert. 

They all say good things must end. I had a wonderful month traveling from TN to the coast of NC. However, it was time for me to return to Knoxville. I dreaded leaving, as I always do. But I just have to remind myself that every day I spend here is one less day I have to spend here. Classes were scheduled to start back on the 10th of January. However, we got about 4-6 inches of snow. It was wonderful !! Even though I was prepared for classes for the week, I did not want to go back at that point.

Now I am in week 4 of 14 !!  Everyday is a countdown for me....In March I have an interview for an internship in Raleigh.  I really am banking of getting it.  I cant tell you how badly I want to get back to Raleigh for multiple reasons. 

On a more personal level.....this weekend I spent with Lee in Charlotte.  We had such a wonderful time together.  I cherish every time I get to see him for they arent as often as I would like.  It has been a personal challenge for me dealing with the distance.  But I truly believe this distance is making our relationship stronger. 

This weekend I might make a short trip to my parents house to visit.  I know I am doing alot of traveling but I enjoy the company.  And I will be making a lot of trips to Raleigh within the next two months; so my time to visit home will be limited. 

So much has happened since I last wrote 4 months ago - its just so hard to go back and pull out the important parts.  However, I will try and write more often so I do not have that problem.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and this new year is treating you well !!!

Miss you all !!! 
